Why Beyond SEO?

Exploring Searches in AI era

User Search Behavior Changed!!

With Contextual Targeting –

Search engines are now better at understanding user intent and context.

68% of users expect search results to be tailored to their needs


WHY Beyond


  • Voice searches are expected to account for 50% of all searches by 2025.
  • Visual and video searches have grown exponentially, with Pinterest Lens conducting 600+ million visual searches monthly.
  • Chatbots powered by AI handle over 80% of customer interactions.
  • Amazon accounts for 54% of product searches.
  • Facebook processes over 2 billion searches per day, and LinkedIn has 900+ million users.
  • 62% of marketers consider AI crucial to their search strategy.

Diiferent Types of Searches


Text Search:

  • Traditional Keyword-based queries.
  • Still dominant but evolving with user intent.

voice Search

  • Growing rapidly with the adoption of smart speakers and digital assistants.
  • Examples: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant.

Conversational Search:

  • Interacting with AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants.
  • Natural language processing enhances user experience.

Video Search:

  • Searching for video content directly on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Increasing preference for visual content consumption.

Image Search:

  • Users search using images instead of text.
  • Tools like Google Lens and Pinterest Lens enhance capabilities.

Shift from Keywords to Queries:

  • Search engines are increasingly interpreting search queries rather than exact keywords.

Context based Solution:

    • AI and machine learning enable platforms to understand the context behind queries.
    • Search patterns have evolved significantly over the last decade, driven by technological advancements and changing user behaviors


Changes in



Shift from Keywords to Queries:

  • Search engines are increasingly interpreting search queries rather than exact keywords.

Rise of Mobile and Voice Search:

  • Mobile searches surpassed desktop searches.
  • Voice search usage increased significantly with smart devices.

Visual and Video Content:

  • Users prefer engaging visual content.
  • Platforms like YouTube and Pinterest saw exponential growth.

Personalization and AI:

  • Search results are increasingly personalized.
  • AI-driven recommendations and predictive search features.

Emerging Search Platforms

Social Media & Professional Networks

  • Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Instagram are key for brand visibility and engagement.
  • Facebook processes over 2 billion searches per day.

E-commerce Marketplaces

  • Amazon dominates product searches, accounting for 54% of product searches.
  • Optimizing for marketplaces involves detailed product descriptions, reviews, and keywords.

Specialized Platforms

  • Quora and Reddit for community-driven knowledge and discussions.
  • Over 300 million monthly active users on Quora and 52 million daily active users on Reddit.